In the News‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬



2024-6-11 Commercial fishers worried about fishing out of season – Majority of members have little trust in the government to make good policy decisions for the commercial fishery. Read more
2022-05-02 Pictou Landing moderate livelihood understanding could calm troubled waters Read more
2022-04-26 CBC – DFO says there’s ‘no plan’ to cut commercial lobster catches to implement treaty fishery Read more
2022-04-10 Globe and Mail – Federal ban on Atlantic mackerel and herring fishery will hit other sectors, experts say Read more
2022-04-07 TVA Nouvelles – Assemblée nationale : motion unanime pour exiger des compensations financières aux pêcheurs de maquereau et de hareng Read more
2022-04-05 Moratoires: homardiers et crabiers se cherchent de nouveaux appâts Read more
2022-04-05 Interdiction de pêche au maquereau et hareng dans l’Est: le milieu fustige Ottawa Read more
2022-04-05 Interdiction de pêche au maquereau et hareng : le milieu fustige Ottawa Read more
2022-04-05 Immediate closure of herring and mackerel commercial fisheries a broadside into coastal fishing communities Read more
2022-04-04 Bait fishery closures will impact P.E.I. lobster fishers Read more
2021-10-28 Barb Dean-Simmons – Atlantic Canadian industry groups hope their issues lure the attention of Joyce Murray Read more
2021-10-15 New DFO agreement with four Mi’kmaq bands to fish within season a new step to increase commercial fisheries Read more
2021-10-05 CBC News – DFO arrests, releases 3 people in connection with St. Marys Bay lobster seizure Read more
2021-09-09 ‘Stop criminalizing our treaty rights’: National Chief of Assembly of First Nations tells DFO on N.S. wharf Read more
2021-09-09 Réconciliation et pêche durable : les candidats des Maritimes appelés à se positionner Read more
2021-09-02 Parties differ dramatically on moderate livelihood response Read more
2021-05-19 Government Reports puts spotlight on the need for formal direct dialogue between Indigenous leaders, commercial fishing organizations and the federal government Read more
2021-05-12 CBC – Potlotek First Nation seeks injunction against DFO over self-regulated fishery Read more
2021-05-12 Radio-Canada – La Première Nation de Potlotek veut empêcher Pêches et Océans de saisir ses casiers Read more
2021-05-11 Radio-Canada International – Canada’s lobster dispute goes international Read more
2021-05-11 Kukukwes News – United Nations committee seeks answers from Canada over racism, violence against Mi’kmaw fishers Read more
2021-05-11 CTV News – Cape Breton First Nation asking for court order stopping lobster seizures by feds Read more
2021-05-10 Global News – U.N. committee to consider racism complaint of N.S. Mi’kmaq fishers against Ottawa Read more
2021-05-05 Radio-Canada – Méfaits commis la semaine dernière sur 40 casiers à homards à Petit-de-Grat, en N.-É. Read more
2021-05-05 Radio-Canada, Nicolas Steinbach – Pêcher côte à côte pour prospérer, d’improbables retrouvailles entre Acadiens et Micmacs. Read more
2021-05-04 Téléjournal Acadie: Start of the lobster fishing season in N.B. Interview on the Le Goulet wharf and the Escuminac wharf. (8:05) Read more
2021-04-23 The Globe and Mail, Michael Tutton – Tensions rise between Ottawa and Mi’kmaq ahead of lobster season Read more
2021-04-22 Majority of Canadians say it is important that the Government of Canada be transparent in reporting on the cost of reconciliation when it comes to fishing rights (Coalition/Nanos) Read more
2021-04-20 Radio-Canada, Isabelle Larose – Entente Ottawa-Listuguj sur la gouvernance des pêches : réactions et précisions Read more
2021-03-09 CBC – Fisheries officers will enforce the rules if Mi’kmaq fish out of season, says minister Read more
2021-03-03 DFO announcement of same seasons for all fishers a positive first step Read more
2021-02-26 Canadians more comfortable with individuals and Indigenous Peoples owning and operating fishing licenses rather than large corporations. Read more
2021-01-20 The Chronicle Herald, Aaron Beswick – Failed policies, decisions on the fly: How the moderate livelihood fishery file blew up Read more
2021-01-11 Over three quarters of Canadians say ensuring everyone respects the government established fishing regulations should apply to everyone without exception. Read more
2021-01-10 The Globe and Mail, Karl Moore and Wáhiakatste Diome-Deer – Trust is the foundation of leadership, says Chief Terry Paul of Membertou First Nation Read more
2021-01-10 The Globe and Mail, Greg Mercer – Membertou’s moment: How a Mi’kmaq nation found prosperity and a seafood empire. Read more
2021-01-10 CBC- Groundfish council won’t support federal cod stock program Read more
2021-01-09 RCI, Lynn Desjardins – Canada funds retrieval of tonnes of lost fishing gear Read more
2021-01-09 The Chronicle Herald, Ralph Surette – Fishery trapped between rudderless feds, reckless band Read more
2021-01-08 Food in Canada – Clearwater Seafood shareholders approve deal with a coalition including Mi’kmaq First Nations Read more
2021-01-08 CBC, Paul Wither – Nova Scotia Supreme Court approves sale of Clearwater Seafoods Read more
2020-12-04 CBC News, Paul Withers – Sipekne’katik chief appeals to prime minister to intervene in self government, parallel fishery Read more
2020-12-04 Radio-Canada, Nicolas Steinbach – La pêche hors saison pourrait affecter les stocks de homard, croient des biologistes Read more
2020-11-30 Global News – N.S. lobster season delayed in one fishing area, but set to go ahead in another Read more
2020-11-23 The Chronicle Herald – DFO investigating following inspection of lobster traps in St. Mary’s Bay Read more
2020-11-18 Mainstreet NS with Jeff Douglas – Retired fisheries scientist says out-of-season Mi’kmaw fishing threatens lobster stocks Read more
2020-11-18 Radio-Canada – La ministre des Pêches se défend d’ignorer les pêcheurs commerciaux Read more
2020-11-17 Radio-Canada – Des centaines de pêcheurs se préparent à une saison sous hautes tensions en N.-É. Read more
2020-11-17 CBC – Paul Withers : Seafood buyers say DFO doesn’t let them buy moderate livelihood catch Read more
2020-11-16 Le télé-journal Acadie : Une communauté sur le qui-vive à la Baie Sainte-Marie Read more
2020-11-16 The Chronicle Herald : Good faith negotiations needed — Nova Scotia Seafood Alliance Read more
2020-11-16 The Halifax Examiner – Joan Baxter: Independent inshore lobster fishers fear the Clearwater purchase could decimate their livelihoods Read more
2020-11-15 Radio-Canada – Catherine Allard: Tension sur les quais, les pêcheurs retiennent leur souffle Read more
2020-11-14 – Keith Doucette: Nova Scotia Seafood Alliance confirms opposition to moderate livelihood fisheries Read more
2020-11-13 The Star – Michael Tutton: Federal fisheries minister concerned about size of Mi’kmaq fishery in Cape Breton bay Read more
2020-11-10 The Kingston Whig Standard – Andrew Roman: What the court actually said about lobster Read more
2020-11-05 Halifax Examiner – Joan Baxter: What about Clearwater and the offshore lobster fishery? Read more
2020-11-05 The Catholic Register – Francis Campbell: The search for middle ground in lobster war Read more
2020-11-05 National Post – Monte Solberg: Lobster dispute is the culmination of government inaction Read more
2020-11-05 Radio-Canada – Intégrer les Autochtones à la pêche commerciale pour régler le conflit, dit LeBlanc Read more
2020-11-02 Radio-Canada, Nicolas Steinbach – Droits autochtones : qu’est-ce qu’une pêche de subsistance convenable? Read more
2020-11-02 The Globe and Mail, Susan Beaton – In Nova Scotia, we seem to have forgotten that fishermen are all in the same boat Read more
2020-10-30 The Globe and Mail, Greg Mercer – ‘Not a quick fix to this’: Lobster fishery mediator concedes that he’s facing his toughest challenge yet Read more
2020-10-30 Acadie Nouvelle, Pascal Raiche-Nogue – Conflits sur les pêches en Nouvelle-Écosse: des chefs autochtones du N.-B. critiquent Ottawa Read More
2020-10-27 Radio-Canada – Médiateur dans le conflit de pêche en N.-É. : réactions partagées chez les pêcheurs Read More
2020-10-24 Journal de Montréal – Conflits entre pêcheurs en Nouvelle-Écosse : Ottawa nomme un représentant spécial Read More
2020-10-22 Maritime Noon with Bob Murphy – Former DFO conservation officer calling for the federal fisheries minister to lose her job over handling of the moderate livelihood fisheries. Listen to Podcast
2020-10-21 Le Moniteur acadien, Bernard Richard – Conflit de pêche au homard: éviter de jeter de l’huile sur le feu Read More
2020-10-21 The Guardian, Jim Day – Lennox Island First Nation chief says fight is with Ottawa, not commercial fishers Read More
2020-10-21 The National Post, Bianca Bharti – Fighting for a moderate livelihood: How Ottawa failed both Indigenous and non-Indigenous fishers Read More
2020-10-19 Radio-Canada, Pascale Savoie-Brideau – Les renforts de la GRC en Nouvelle-Écosse sont « trop tard, très peu » Read More
2020-10-19 Emergency debate, John Williamson (MP for NS Southwest) statement – Liberals are failing Atlantic Canada’s Fisheries Watch Video
2020-10-19 The Globe and Mail, Editorial Board – The Trudeau government can end the lobster war by honouring Indigenous rights – and their limits Read More
2020-10-19 The Hill Times, Michael Harris – Ottawa has the power to bring the temperature down in Nova Scotia Read More
2020-10-15 CBC Mainstreet Halifax: Podcast – Sipekne’katik chief and commercial fisherman call for peaceful and constructive dialogue Listen to Podcast
2020-10-04 Le Droit, Michael Tutton – Une autre Première Nation se lance dans une pêche du homard autoréglementée Read More
2020-10-01 BNN Bloomberg Interview – Learn more about the Supreme Court ruling that says conservation is paramount and must be respected by both aboriginal and non-aboriginal users of the fishery resource. Watch Video
2020-09-22 The Chronicle Herald, Alan Clarke – How did 20 years of post-Marshall effort get blown out of the water? Read More
2020-08-27 Radio Canada – Tensions entre homardiers et membres des Premières Nations en Nouvelle-Écosse Read More
2020-08-08 Radio Canada – L’octroi de dix permis autochtones inquiète l’Union des pêcheurs des Maritimes Read More